IMPLEMENT – Implementing LLUs through training and development
From “rhetoric to practice“ to “make LLL a reality“. This aim remains a key priority on the European policy agenda while offering crucial challenges in professional practice for all educational institutions and stakeholders. But how can this aim be achieved?
The results of the BeFlex Plus project make clear recommendations in response to these questions and the excellent training materials also offer a valuable learning resource for university staff and linked target groups to reflect on their institutional situation, to develop action plans, and to IMPLEMENT changes. Thus the aim of the IMPLEMENT project is to support institutions to become real LLL-Universities.
The IMPLEMENT approach uses the idea that the potential for transfer and implementation is at its peak when key partners are supported to act as multipliers and to adapt and work with the materials according to their own needs and the specifics of their home university and national context.
Value will be added to the existing training materials by adapting them to national needs, using them in real training at institutional, national and transnational events, and by developing and delivering an online version to provide a sustainable and dynamic solution for the longer term exploitation of the learning resources and best practice examples.
Aims and objectives of IMPLEMENT:
- to support the realisation of the European area for Lifelong Learning
- to support the implementation of Lifelong Learning Universities in reality
- to exploit the results and products of the BeFlex Plus project
- to cooperate with key players from university and other sectors acting as multipliers, to adapt the training materials for their regional and national contexts.
- to develop a sustainable set of online training tools ensuring best use of the project results with a wider group of providers and key stakeholders across Europe
- to use the material in training events at local, national and transnational level for the professional development of LLL staff and the implementation of institutional policy and best practice for LLL.
- to promote transnational collaboration across Europe and transectoral cooperation at regional level
- to exchange best practice on key LLL topics
This project is funded by the Grundtvig programme which is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture.
You can get more informations here:
Case Study for ULLL University of Mainz
Case Study for ULLL in Germany
Implementing ULL. A guide for trainers using IMPLEMENT on-line courses
The final results and access to the 5 on-line courses are available through EUCEN's Moodle e-learning platform