
In June 2017 the University of Mainz and the Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung were enthusiastically hosting the 49th Eucen Conference on “ULLL AND THE LABOUR MARKET IN EUROPE – THE CONTRIBUTION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TO THE CHALLENGES OF CHANGING WORK AND QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS” The cooperation with international experts helped to make the conference a success. In a poster session and in workshops speakers and contributors shed light on recent developments and discussed important aspects of ULLL. We would like to thank all contributors for shaping an exciting conference and for allowing us to publish their contributions online.


Moderation: Edith Kröber, University of Stuttgart


Parallel session (1)

Topic 1: Definitions, positions, ways of understanding
Moderation: Josephine Finn, Maynooth University

Education and the world of work - A new deal on lifelong learning?
Dr. Anikó Kálmán, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Topic 2: Role and influence of stakeholders on the growth of permeability between VET and PHE
Moderation: Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto

TANDEM – A way of integrating stakeholders’ views in the advancement of permeability between VET and HE
Carme Royo, eucen and Hans Daale

Topic 3: Special and similar needs of ULLL students
Moderation: Patricia Davies (independent expert)

VINCE - Validation for News Citizens of Europe
Francesca Uras, eucen and Anne Kalaschek, FH Burgenland

Topic 4: Best Practice
Moderation: Timo Halttunen, University of Turku

Developing a Model for the assessment of Future Skills Needs for Bosnia Herzegovina
Prof. Dermot Coughlan, University of Limerick

Parallel session (2)

Topic 1: Definitions, positions, ways of understanding
Moderation: Josephine Finn, Maynooth University

Topic 2: Role and influence of stakeholders on the growth of permeability between VET and PHE
Moderation: Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto

Topic 3: Special and similar needs of ULLL students
Moderation: Patricia Davies (independent expert)

Topic 4: Best Practice
Moderation: Timo Halttunen, University of Turku


Shaping the System of Vocational Education and Training in Germany
Michael Härtel, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Professional and academic, opposite concepts? The French approach for filling the hypothetic gap (additional abstract)
Dr. Jean-Marie Filloque, former vice-rector of the University of Western Brittany; former President of the French UCE Network, member of the French “Conseil National Education Economie”

MOOCsRUIAP 2014-15 2015-16 (additional abstract)
Prof. Mauro Palumbo, University of Genoa

The project YOUNG_ADULLLT (presentation)
Prof. Mauro Palumbo, University of Genoa

The benefits of new links between Academic Continuing Education and VET
Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert

Working together to promote University Lifelong learning in Europe: eucen (single articel from "The DGWF - An overview of 45 years")
Francoise de Viron